Mount Cook Village, Mueller Hut
Time to practice our new snow-skills came sooner than expected, as we delayed our westcoast-trip to the next weekend and decided to head to Mount Cook Village instead. We got all the usual gear from the gear locker of the tramping club although we couldn't be sure whether we could use any of it.
There was about 50 cm of fresh snow and the avalanche danger was set to high and reduced to moderate on Saturday morning only.
But we had wonderful weather and having started early morning we were able to head for Mueller Hut, following a group of five that left earlier that morning with snow shoes, which made the track visible and accessible for us. Still a hard and steep track in deep snow with us arriving at the ridge shortly after sunset. Quite exiting and even more rewarding. So finally, I made it up to Mueller Hut, only about three years after my first try.
