Day 12: How a short day can become long and scary

You may remember we again wanted to take it slow today. The four of us had booked a bed in a hut just 3 hours away. But then someone (not me) made the proposal to do a bit more. Otherwise it would be boring. Guess who said yes (that unfortunately was me). The other two took it easy and started late, we were on the road again around 8. The hike was nice and easy, we finally entered the Dolomites. And were incredibly happy we hadn't gotten a room at würzjoch (it is weekend). What a touristic nightmare. The first bit from there, up the Peitlerscharte, was hiking like Lemmings. Unbelievable. No need to say: it is very beautiful nature. Luckily after an hour our path went away from the standard touristic route. Having an early lunch at the place we were meant to stay tonight, the decision was clear: let's continue. So we reserved another place 3-4 hours further and handed over our first beds to the couple, who are still roughly a day behind us.
And now the interesting bit starts. Heading up the Roascharte (I still don't know the difference between Scharte, Joch, Gipfel & Kamm) was a steep gravel road. Trying not to slip again, it already took me a bit to get up there. And then the decision point: go left, which all the books say you should, or go straight. Straight is a bit further and you first need to go down to go up again to the hut. That sounded like going left, BUT: it had a short Klettersteig. They said you don't need any equipment, but there is a 4m ladder and a chimney and... So if I wasn't already tired and with a big backpack on my back, that sounds like fun. Like this, after 15 minutes back and forth we decided to take the long way.
So down and up, and guess what, as well a part with steal rope and some climbing. The good thing: we found the guy back from yesterday, who had been searching his way for 2 hours already. Was he happy to see us (with a GPS). After another hour of walking we finally made it to the hut. The funny part: nearly everyone was there (except for our original 4 friends, with whom we keep in contact via WhatsApp and maybe will meet soon again as well). It is fun to hear how everyone has been doing, which detour or adventure they had in between and what their plans are.
All of us went pretty early to the dorm, as the noise that Italians were making in the restaurant was unbearable. How can you talk that much that loud??? There the last adventure of the day started: an operation on my foot. I carried my blister on the big toe now for more than a week. Except for one of the first days, I nearly had no trouble with is, except for it being very disgusting. Today it hurt, so I finally gave in to the people how wanted to pop it. With everyone enjoying the show, my toe got cut (It didn't even hurt, but the thought of a knife to my skin...) and taken care of with a big band aid. Let's hope this will finally kill it.


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