Day 21: Bye bye mountains

This is it! Not only have I been hiking for 3 weeks now, but I also finished my last mountain. And every meter I had fought myself up yesterday we had to go down today. I really have to say that hiking doesn't fit with my efficiency principle! (some of you may call it lazyness). In total we went 1600m down today. In the Italian sun. 5-6 hours hiking. Anyways. I've made it. And there were still some amazing views back on the Dolomites, some even swear they could see the ocean already (I still think it was a cloud). And the treat I've got at the end oft he day was a beautiful place to stay. Described in the book as reminding of a venetian palace, expectations were high - and met! I loved it. Beautiful place, beautiful setting, great dinner. And not only because my standards got really low. You don't know how you appreciate your private bathroom and sleeping without a sleeping bag (Hüttenschlafsack) after 3 weeks :-)
The only minus point: mosquitoes! I had been surprised, not one bite during the whole trip so far! Now they got me. Even with mosquito spray they kept on biting me.
And of course the question: what now? The original plan was to stop after the mountains and not do the last 3-4 days. I didn't start in Munich so I don't need to make it to Venice. And walking in the heat on roads and through industrial areas is not my thing. So my plan for now: do tomorrow half a day until I enter the land of prosecco and then take the bus to the beach. 2 nights relaxing and then it goes back home. Let's see how it will work out :-)


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